RepairsLab is a software utility designed for those who own a device repair shop or a maintenance service. It allows you to create a data "sheet" with detailed information about every device you have to fix and about each customer. In addition, this program also lets you keep track of the current repair status of any device.
The program's interface is nice and pleasant, and it provides a main menu from which you can see a filtered list of the existing sheets, create a new one, and show, update, or print a specific sheet by selecting its number. When you create a new sheet, you can provide very detailed information about the device to be repaired, including the entry date, the repair type and state, the equipment type, its brand, model and serial number, the reported defect, the delivered accessories, information about its owner, the cost, some specific notes, and the repair status.
RepairsLab provides separate modules for managing all levels of information, such as customers, repair types, repair states, equipment types, brands, and models. You can create new records, and delete or modify existing ones in each module. You can later use all that information when creating your sheets - for example, you can retrieve the customer information from your existing customer database, set the repair type from you previously created repair types list, and so on. Furthermore, it also comes with an additional module to manage all your deleted sheets, acting as a recycle bin. more